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Synchronics Order Entry Plus


Synchronics Order Entry Plus is based on the Realworld Order Entrypackage, which includes entry and editing of customer orders, one-stepbilling procedures, picking tickets, calculated prices and commissions,discounts, full backorder control, ability to ship items from differentwarehouses on different dates, detailed invoice history reports, andautomatic updating of customer, inventory, and financial records afterinvoicing.Synchronics Order Entry Plus has additional features for wholesalersrequiring serial number control and more. Serial number entry featuresinclude an unlimited number of serials per line item, location of theoldest serial number on file, automatic allocation of on-hand serialnumbers, automatic generation of consecutive serial numbers, and paperconservation when printing consecutive serial numbers. For eachserialized item, warranty expirations are specified by the user, orcalculated automatically from either the invoice date or shipping date.Order Entry Plus can also add new customers during order processing, withautomatic customer number assignment.Order Entry Plus works with Point of Sale and Retail Inventory controlfor both retail and wholesale requirements.

Language: AcuCOBOL
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: AcuCOBOL run time
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.0,2.1,2.2,2.3

ROUTE 46 Box 1033 Suite A-102
Clifton, NJ 07013
Phone: (201) 777-7666
Fax: (201) 777-7428